lundi 19 mai 2014

pisteuô (believe), pistos (believing) and apistos (unbelieving) in the Gospel of John

pisteuô, v., believe (99 times)
pistos, -ê, -on, adj., believing (1 time: 20,27)
apistos, -on, adj., unbelieving (1 time: 20,27)

pisteuô, v., believe (99 times)

The verb Greek “pisteuô” (in English: to believe; French: croire; Vietnamese: tin) occurs 99 times in the Gospel of John according to this distribution below:

Ch. 1–12: 77 times
   Ch. 1–4: 22 times
       1:7,12,50 (3 times)
       2:11,22,23,24 (4 times)
       3:2a,12b,15,16,18a,18b,18c,36 (8 times)
       4:1,39,41,42,48,50,53 (7 times)
   Ch. 5–8: 26 times
       5:24,38,44,46a,46b,47a,47b (7 times)
       6:29,30,35,36,40,47,64a,64b,69 (9 times)
       7:5,31,38,39,48 (5 times)
       8:24,30,31,45,46 (5 times)
   Ch. 9–12: 29 times
       9:18,35,36,38 (4 times)
       10:25,26,37,38a,38b,42 (6 times)
       11:15,25,26a,26b,27,40,42,45,48 (9 times)
       12:11,36,37,38,39,42,44a,44b,46,47 (10 times)

Ch. 13–21: 22 times
    Ch. 13–17: 15 times
       13:19 (1 time)
       14:1a,1b,10,11a,11b,12,29 (7 times)
       15: this verb does not exist
       16:9,27,30,31 (4 times)
       17:8,20,21 (3 times)
   Ch. 18–21: 7 times
       18: this verb does not exist        
       19:35 (1 time)
       20:8,25,29a,29b,31a,31b (6 times)
       21: this verb does not exist

apistos, -on, adj., unbelieving (1 time: 20,27)
pistos, -ê, -on, adj., believing (1 time: 20,27)

The Greek adjective “pistos” (in English: believing; French: croyant; Vietnamese: người tin) appears 1 time in Jn 20:27. The Greek adjective “apistos” (in English: unbelieving, faithless; French: incroyant, incrédule; Vietnamese: người không tin) appears 1 time in Jn 20:27.

Jesus said to Thomas in 20:27: “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless (apistos), but believing (pistos).” The term “faithless” in greek is “apistos”, that means “unbelieving” which its opositional meaning “pistos” (believing) also appears here.


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